Teen Blog

Anthony Parizzio; Chicago, IL

"Our town really took part in the Jeans for Teens effort for Haiti and raised a lot of money. We would like to raise an even bigger event for community service through Brook Tree High School. Does anybody have any idea of how to locate foundations to sponser the event?"

Jennifer Talbot; American Red Cross

"Anthony, Red Cross is always more than happy to sponser events for teen causes. Look up a local Red Cross Chapter in your area and contact the Volunteer Services Representative. It's so great that you want to get involved with your community. What did you have in mind?"

Stacey Wilson; Chicago, IL

Hey Anthony, just wanted to let you know I'm also from Chicago, and the Red Cross Chapter 455 helped my high school with our fundraiser to send greeting cards to the American troops in Iraq for Christmas, it worked out really well!

Tom O'day; Key West, FL